Speed sleds can be used in a variety of ways to build strength and power in the legs. Examples include running, walking, skipping, carioca, and lateral shuffles. Generally, lighter loads (about 10 - 15% of one's bodyweight) are used for power development. Heavier loads are used for strength development.
Speed sleds can also be used on a variety of ground surfaces including grass, astro turf, and indoor floors (with a towel underneath). Each surface creates a different level of resistance/drag, which should be taken into account when estimating the appropriate load to use. Instructions for sprinting with a speed sled are listed below:
Connect the lead/cord attachment to the speed sled. Put on the shoulder harness or waist belt. Ensure it is secure. Get into a starting position. Sprint for several yards.
IMPORTANT: If your aim is to develop power, short-distance sprints of approximately 30 yards are recommended.