Power! Speed! Quickness! If you are looking to enhance your lower body workout program, consider using a dual resistance trainer. This device will add new dimensions to your training regimen, and help to boost lower body strength. There are a number of ways in which a dual resistance trainer can be used. Technically, they are designed for use with a partner. The partner provides resistance as you perform various running drills. However, they can also be secured to speed sleds, tires, wooden logs, and even stationary objects to achieve a similar effect. Anything that creates resistance/drag will work. For this exercise, a tire will be used. Instructions for this exercise are listed below:
First, secure the waist belt. Adjust it so that the lead is on the side of the hip. Connect the opposite end to a tire. Get into a starting position, then shuffle laterally for several yards (about 30 to 40 yards is typical). Be sure to use maximum leg power. To add difficulty to this exercise, simply increase the load/drag, increase shuffle speed, or increase distance. Perform the drill on both legs.
Step 1
Secure waist belt on side of hip. Get into start position. Shuffle laterally for several yards. Perform drill on both legs.