The agility ladder power push-up is an advanced exercise used for building power in the upper body. This exercise requires a high degree of strength, skill, and coordination. Virtually every muscle in your body is used, which makes the power push-up extremely demanding. Moreover, you have to be able to generate enough force in order to maneuver laterally down the ladder, which makes the drill even harder.
Instructions for the agility ladder power-up are listed below:
Straddle the first agility ladder rung with both arms. Assume the push-up position, then use maximum power to propel your upper body into the air. At the same time, push off laterally so that you are able to straddle the next rung. If you land correctly, your head should be aligned with each agility ladder rung. Continue the power push-up down the remaining ladder squares. Be sure to perform the exercise in the opposite direction so that both sides of the body are worked equally.
Perform this exercise after a thorough warm up. It is suggested that the power push-up be used minimally, due to the potential jarring of the joints with each landing.
Step 1
From push-up position, use max power to propel in the air and laterally down the agility ladder. Perform this drill going both directions.