The two arm dumbbell row exercise is used to target the back, primarily the latissimus dorsi or "lats." The lower back is also used in this exercise as a stabilizer. However, many individuals can often mistake this exercise as an arm exercise. While in fact you are incorporating your arms in this routine, it is important to remember that the main focus is the back. When performing this exercise it is very important to remember proper form; failure to do so could lead to back and neck pain.
Start with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. As you bend at the waist forward, let the dumbbells come down to about knee height. Focus on sticking your butt out and keeping a nice arch in your lower back while keeping the neck in neutral alignment with the rest of the body. It is also okay to move naturally throughout the exercise, but refrain from any jerking motion. With palms facing towards the body, bring the dumbbells toward your abdomen by squeezing the shoulder blades together. Breathe out as you bring the weights to the abdomen and inhale as you lower them back down. To ensure proper and efficient contraction you should be able to count to 2 on the way up and 2 on the way down.
Tip: It is very important that you do not round out your lower back as you perform this exercise as this could easily lead to injury.
Step 1
Hold dumbbells with arms extended. Bend down at the waist.