The split squat requires an advanced level of fitness. The weight bench version of the split squat is also referred to as the Bulgarian split squat. This exercise is ideal for improving balance and strength in the hips and thighs. There are varying levels of progression to the split squat. The basic split squat is without a weight bench. The second level is with the bench. The third level is with weighted resistance.
How is the split squat different from a lunge? There are very few differences between the two. During the split squat, the legs are stationary at all times. Whereas lunging requires taking a long step forward (or backward) in order to split the legs.
Here are instructions for performing the split squat on a weight bench:
Place one foot on a weight bench. Ensure your legs are far apart. Your front leg should be about 3 feet away from the bench. Place your hands on your hips. Slowly squat down until your knee is bent about 90 degrees. Be sure to keep your upper body straight as you squat. Return to the starting point. Perform for several repetitions, then repeat the exercise on the opposite leg.
Step 1
Place foot on bench. Front leg should be about 3 feet away from bench.