The side lunge concentrates on the large muscles of the lower body. It works your thigh (quadriceps/hamstrings) as well as your hips (inner thighs, outer thighs, and glutes). It is important to maintain these muscle groups for everyday activities like standing and walking. To perform the side lunge, begin standing with your feet together. Slowly, take a large step sideways with your right leg. Keeping your left leg straight, your right knee bends in line with your ankle. Hold for 2-3 seconds. Push off your right leg bringing it back together with the left. Repeat on the left side.
Note: You can also add resistance to this exercise by holding a medicine ball.
Step 1
Stand with feet together.
Step 2
Take a giant step to the side.
Step 3
Return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on both legs.