The seated chest press can be done from any chair with a seat back. This exercise is great for shaping and strengthening the chest muscles. The chest is scientifically named the pectoralis. This muscle is used any time you push a chair up to the table, shut a car door, or push a shopping cart. There are two muscles that make up the pectoralis. They are the pectoralis major and minor. The pectoralis major is always the prime mover during chest exercises.
Start by sitting in a chair. You will need to loop the exercise bands around the back of the chair. The bands can also be secured around your upper back. From a seated position, grasp the bands back far enough so that you are able to feel the resistance. Next, press the bands forward until the arms are straight out in front of you. Be sure to exhale. Do not lock the arms. Slowly return to the starting position.
Step 1
Loop flat resistance bands around back of chair. Sit with bands around chest area.
Step 2
Press bands forward until arms are straight. Exhale.