If you are looking for a different exercise to work the back muscles, try the med ball pullover. The largest muscle in the back is scientifically known as the latissimus dorsi. You might see it referred to as the "lats" or "wings." The lats are used any time you pull something. For example, when you open a fridge or a car door, you are primarily using your lat muscles.
Begin by lying down on a stability ball. Try to position the ball on your upper back. Hold the weighted med ball directly over your head with your arms straight (Note: The elbows can be slightly bent, but they must stay locked into position). Slowly lower the med ball until it is even with the body, then return to the starting position. In this exercise, you should exhale as you pull the weight back to the starting position.
Step 1
Position upper back on ball. Grasp med ball and extend arms.
Step 2
Keep arms locked into position and lower the ball until even with body.
Step 3
Pull the med ball back to starting point. Exhale as you pull.