The biceps brachii consists of two muscular heads: the short and the long head. Research has shown that certain exercises tend to utilize the bicep heads differently. The inclined dumbbell curl is a biceps exercise that is said to work the short head or the "peak" of the biceps. Here is how this exercise is done:
Grasp a dumbbell in each hand. Sit on an incline bench with your arms extended straight down. Your palms should face forward at all times. Next, curl the dumbbells up toward the shoulder area. Be sure to keep your elbows close to your ribcage during the curl. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat as needed.
Step 1
Grab dumbbell in each hand. Sit on incline bench with arms straight down.
Step 2
Curl dumbbells up to shoulder area.
Step 3
Slowly lower weights back to start position. Repeat.