The biceps brachii are made up of two muscular heads: the short and the long head. Functionally, the biceps can do two things: flex the elbow and supinate the forearm. Supination is simply the act of turning the palms face up. The cable curl is a great way to work the biceps. Listed below are instructions for performing the cable curl:
First, select the desired cable attachment handle. Ensure that the pulley unit is in the lowest position. Grasp the cable handle and hold it in front of your thighs. Next, curl the cable handle up toward your shoulder area. Pause for a second, then slowly lower the cable back to the starting point. Repeat the exercise as needed.
Step 1
Position cable handle in front of thighs.
Step 2
Curl the cable handle to shoulder area. Keep back straight.
Step 3
Slowly lower the cable to starting point. Repeat as needed.