The shoulder or deltoid is made up of three muscular heads: anterior (front), medial (middle), and posterior (rear). Each head plays a different role in how the shoulder moves. The bent lateral raise mainly works the posterior portion of the shoulder, but each head assists with the movement. The exercise is also referred to as the bent reverse fly and rear lateral raise.
Begin by standing in the center of the exercise bands with your legs shoulder width apart. Grasp the bands (Note: You can also cross the bands so that each hand is holding opposing ends. This will tighten the tension of the bands). Slightly bend your knees and lower your back. The back does not have to be perfectly flat. Slowly raise your arms outward until your elbows are even with the shoulders. The arms should remain in a fixed position at all times. They do not have to be locked at the elbows, just fixed. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
Step 1
Stand in center of exercise bands. Grasp end of bands.
Step 2
Raise arms out to the sides. Exhale as arms go out.